Company Name | |
Address | Mensana Tower 6th Floor - Unit J2 Jl.Raya Kranggan No. 69 RT.002 RW.016 JatisampurnaCibubur - Bekasi Jawa Barat 17433 |
Country | Indonesia |
Primary Contact Person | Sumarji |
Principal business Activity | We're Global Freight Solution an as international forwarder and transport company in Indonesia. As a medium-sized logistics organization with a worldwide presence in the most strategically important trade and port centers,we are also proud to offer you a very individual service that is specially tailored to the needs of our customers. Coverage service : Ocean Freight -Air Freight Road Freight -Warehousing Cross Trade Shipping Project Cargo Customs Clearance Multimodal Transport ( rail/truck and barge/truck ) RO / RO Traffic Hazardous Material product and material |
Member of Network | ALFI/ILFA |