Company Name

Divine Freight Forwarding (Private) Limited


63 Leopold Takawira, P.O BOX HR359 Harare



Primary Contact Person

Dr. Chris Masimu

Principal business Activity

Divine Freight is a prominent world freight and forwarding company, handles imports as well as exports shipments for thousands of satisfied customers worldwide at a competitive rate. Due to the non-negotiable values, the company has extensively gained excellent wealth of experience in the handling of major projects fields in Africa, considered a world class expert in the logistics and supply chain . . . Strong links in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia, DRC, UK, USA, India, China, Japan, Malawi, Mozambique, Lebanon and the Middle East, currently working with the NGO(s), State, Religious and Corporate Organisations . Above all, the company holds highly committed individuals with proven management track records, the professional team have an unremitting devotion, hard working, an awful lot of determination, dedicated to deliver uncompetitable world class service. . .

Member of Network

Freight Book

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